From Berta Cunha • Marcos Polónia • MDS Publications
“More security, more capacity to grow your business, detailed, up-to-date information and specialized support are some of the benefits that companies get when they purchase credit insurance policies.”
Credit insurance is a fundamental tool to manage and secure companies’ assets and a key component of their sustainable development. At the current economic juncture, companies and countries face increased risk. Coverage for credit exposure associated with commercial transactions has become even more crucial and indispensable given the rise in bankruptcy filings and default on payments. It is fundamental to create conditions to re-establish a growth dynamic and help companies resume their daily business.
I. Insurance
II. Origins and Market
III. External Markets
IV. Political Risk
V. Operational functioning
VI. Examples
VII. Historic Evolution of the Concept of Credit Insurance
VII. Historic Evolution of the Concept of Credit Insurance

About the Author Berta Cunha
Berta Cunha has been an executive consultant with MDS for Credit Insurance and Securities since 2019.
Between 2001 and 2018, she served in a managerial role at COSEC, the Portuguese market leader for credit insurance and securities. As part of her duties, she oversaw the launch of new products, the ongoing improvement of customer service, based on innovation and digital transformation, and managed relationships with distribution channels with a focus on the banking channel.
Previously, she had worked in Corporate Finance at BPI Bank, where she acquired vast experience in mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and privatization, as well as the organization of capital market operations. In 2018, she became non-executive administrator and a member of the Audit and Finance Committee and the Appointment and Compensation Committee at Sonae Indústria.
She holds a diploma in Economics from the University of Coimbra and has attended training programmes at the INSEAD school of management and Stanford University.

About the Author Marcos Polónia
Marcos Polónia came to MDS in 2009, where he took over the helm for Credit and Financial Risk. He was involved in getting COFACE established in Portugal. COFACE is one of the leading credit insurance companies in the world. Marcos served as Commercial Consultant, Head of Commercial Development, Assistant Territorial Deputy and National Sales Coordinator.
He holds a degree in Business Management from Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique and completed the AESE/IESE Business School Management and Leadership Programme with honours.