Risk consulting – responds to business uncertainty while maximising opportunities

Global businesses are exposed to an ever-changing, wider and increasingly complex set of risks. Activities such as developing new products, searching for new markets, implementing new processes and technologies, managing outsourcing and extending supply chains may well put companies at the cutting edge of competitiveness, but they also bring a proportionate increase in new risk exposure.

Having strategies to map and manage risks, as well as mechanisms that respond to incidents or accidents, is vital for the viability and success of any organisation.

At RCG Powered by Herco, a specialist risk consultancy and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) company, we assess your business risks from a cross-sectional perspective, developing innovative solutions that ensure you can effectively and efficiently manage risk.

Using an ERM approach, our specialist team identifies, analyses, evaluates and categorises risks specific to your company, monitoring, managing and mitigating their impact on your activity.

ERM ensures the correct identification, analysis, mitigation, control and financing of risks, allowing for a better understanding and response to the uncertainties and opportunities of your business. The result is a structured risk map that allows you to understand the impact of these risks with defined mitigation strategies that meet your business objectives.

We help organisations develop strategies to support loss control, business continuity and crisis management, plus we implement risk management programmes (worker’s compensations, environmental,  civil liability and property).  This increases operational efficiency, reduces accidents and minimises the overall cost of risks.

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